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Vocational Education and Training - V500

Course Overview - V500


Chính phủ Úc thông báo tăng thời gian làm thêm cho Du học sinh từ 40h lên 48h mỗi 2 tuần, áp dụng từ 1/7/2023.

CẬP NHẬT MỚI NHẤT: 12/12/2023.

Những thay đổi lớn của Bộ di trú Úc về Visa du học, tạm trú sau tốt nghiệp và định cư cho thời gian tới. 1. Student visa 500 – Áp dụng “Genuine Student Test” mới cho student visa để đảm bảo tính chân thực của hồ sơ. – Yêu cầu tiếng Anh cho visa 500 sẽ tăng lên IELTS 6.0 từ mức 5.5 đối với du học nghề, IELTS 6.5 từ mức 6.0 đối với du học bậc cao học. – Ưu tiên xét hồ sơ Student visa dựa trên “Risk level” của trường: ưu tiên trường level 1, 2 trường level 3 thời gian xét dài và yêu cầu nhiều hơn. – Xét kỹ hơn với các hồ sơ nộp thêm Student visa thứ hai trong trường hợp muốn chuyển ngành, đổi trường, gia hạn không hợp lý. – Hạn chế đăng ký tiếp student visa sau khi hết thời hạn visa 485. 2. Visa tạm trú sau tốt nghiệp 485 – Yêu cầu tiếng Anh cho visa 485 sẽ tăng lên IELTS 6.5 từ mức 6.0 hiện tại. – Điều chỉnh thời hạn visa 485. Cụ thể, bỏ chính sách gia hạn và cộng thêm 2 năm sau tháng 7/2024. Giảm thời hạn tạm trú cho visa 485 tối đa còn 36 tháng. 3. Chính sách nhập cư cho chuyên gia – Giới thiệu pathway “Specialist Skills” cho các ứng viên có thu nhập ít nhất $135,000 trong bất kỳ ngành nào, trừ trade workers, machinery operator, labourers.

Áp dụng sau tháng 7/ 2024.

Từ 1/7/2023, thời hạn visa 485 dòng Post-study work stream (Làm việc sau tốt nghiệp) sẽ được điều chỉnh tăng như sau:

I.What is The Vocational Education and Training - V500 là gì ?

– The 500 visa is a study visa for international students who want to participate in vocational courses in Australia. This visa allows students to study vocational courses (Certificate, Diploma, Advanced Diploma), undertake internships at vocational colleges, and receive professional qualifications in Australia after approximately 2-2.5 years.

– Students have the right to work part-time during their study period, and full-time during holidays.

– The 500 visa provides opportunities for students to experience studying and working in Australia’s professional environment, and is also a stepping stone for those who wish to settle or migrate in the future.

– Students will participate in 20 hours of study per week, equivalent to 2 days per week, with 1 day for theoretical study and 1 day for practical training at the institution.

II.Program value

– Trained in English and granted PTE international certificate.
– Be trained for vocational certificates and professional diplomas before and after leaving Australia.
– Be trained and equipped with vocational knowledge and skills related to the major registered before leaving the country (coffee bartending, automotive technology, health care,….).
– The qualification is recognized worldwide, increasing employment opportunities and income after graduation.
– Students accumulate knowledge and practice skills by advanced education, with top quality in the world.
– 20-30% of students study theory at the school, 80-70% of the time is spent in practice, so students have a lot of practical work experience.

Parents and students when making a decision to study in Australia, will have a lot of information to learn before deciding on a major, school and city and state to study abroad.

III.What you need to know when participating Vocational Education and Training

A.Conditions for applying to study in Australia:
 * Age: 18-28 years old.
* English proficiency: IELTS 6.0/ PTE 50
* Academic performance: GPA of at least 6.8 in 3 years of high school with no year below 6.8
* Conduct: Good.
Note: For limited area, a GPA of 7.0 is required for grades 11, 12. For grade 10 the GPA must not be under 6.5.
Advantages of studying abroad in Australia:
* The initial cost is not too high.
* Vocational school tuition fees are moderate, divided into several installments per semester or month, reducing financial pressure for international students and families.
* The educational requirements to participate in the program are not too high compared to the University program.
* 40-75% of the first year’s tuition fees are funded (depends on academic grades, English, field of study, school, spirit and attitude).
* Transfer to University (1 – 1.5 years) after completing Diploma in Australia.

B.The cost of studying abroad in Australia.
– Depending on the industry, the school and state the institution chooses will have different fees. As follows:
a. School tuition fees:
– Tuition fees range from 10,000 – 16,000 AUD/year.
– Overseas study health insurance fee: about 700 AUD/year.
b. Expenses incurred while in Australia:
– Accommodation fee.
– Electricity and water fees.
– Commuting fee.
– F&B costs.
c. Learning locations: Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth.

IYA – visaservices.vn is always with you

IYA – visaservices.vn’ Supports
* Applications reviewing, consulting, and guiding.
* Advising on choosing majors & schools suitable for students’ abilities, suitable for family finance.
* Admission, scholarships & student visa applying.
* Insurance registration, accommodation assistance & airport pickup.
* Major change, school transfer application support.
* Post-graduation work visa & skilled immigration visa application support.

Popular Academic Professions

Review of documents by Australian lawyers

The application will be collected and sent to an immigration lawyer in Australia for review and completion.

Dedication and transparency

Monitor throughout the application process, support during and after studying abroad.

99.5% visa success rate

Examine documents carefully, arrange and present documents clearly, maximizing the visa success rate.

Fast application processing

Carefully review the application, support visa applications to be processed as quickly as possible.

About IYA -visaservices.vn

With IYA – visaservices.vn, Client can be assured of the information we provide. The staff has a professional, dedicated working style, high honesty, and simple procedures.
IYA – visaservices.vn has high professional ethics, we always comply with regulations or the law, are honest in all our actions and decisions.
IYA – visaservices.vn always puts ourselves in the position and emotional state of clients to review each application, helping clients understand the information we provide.
Professional style:

IYA – visaservices.vn always prioritizes defining the goals and aspirations of clients, respects and does not waste clients’ time to complete tasks with clients on time committed. The team of consultants are friendly, enthusiastic, and dedicated, always listening to the needs of clients to meet thereof as best as possible.